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1/2 Price day is here!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Temple, TX 76501 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 19
9am to 2pm
Sep 20
9am to 2pm
Sep 21
9am to 1pm

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We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Please bring additional help to help load big, heavy items as we don't have help available to load heavy furniture. Sometimes the family changes their mind about an item for sale, we have no control over this and we hope you understand. When this happens we attempt to remove it as quickly as possible.
Please bring appropriate additional help for loading of big, heavy items as we are not able to help in loading.
 Description & Details

1/2 price day is here! Absolutely everything must go. We have all the goodies for you to choose from. Don’t miss out. This house is full of Christmas in every room as well as a room devoted to crafts. The craft selection is HUGE! Have some extra time to shop this room. The garage is full also. Lots of power tools and more. This house is packed! Nice French door refrigerator in stainless! Front load washing machine and dryer, and lots more! Here's a sampling of what you'll find. I’ve updated pic’s and descriptions as best as possible. Some items...

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