Bewsher Family Moving Sale

moving sale3 day sale 7 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Waco, TX 76710 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024.
Oct 17
3pm to 6pm
Oct 18
9am to 6pm
Oct 19
8am to 5pm
Colonial Schoolmasters Desk Reproduction excellent condition

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash and Venmo Only.
Local Delivery negotiated on larger items
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Deposit required to hold items until noon Saturday.
Deposits not refunded
 Description & Details

Moving Overseas and Downsizing everything must go. Additional Items available that are not listed below Quality household furniture. Quality art and framed pieces Shenandoah Cherry Dining Table with six chairs and matching sideboard, Shabby Chic breakfast table and six chairs, Queen Country French bed with quality mattress, Dressing table, Gorgeous cane couch, rocker, wing chair and glass top coffee table, Williamsburg Virginia Schoolmasters Desk, Complete Oak Office ensemble - desk, filing cabinets, bookshelf, Queen sofa sleeper, Collectibles - Victorian Mustache cups, Pewter inkwell and feather quill, Jewelry, Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations, Needlework fabrics, wide range of Counted CrossStitch books, Wide...

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