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Salem Sophistication

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Salem, VA 24153 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
10am to 4pm
Dec 7
10am to 4pm
Dec 8
11am to 4pm

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Please bring help if you are moving large items. Neither Carroll's Collectibles & Antiques, LLC or the property owner are responsible for accidents , injuries or theft. Please do not block driveways or mailboxes.
Friday - Full Price
Saturday 25% off
Sunday 50% off
 Description & Details

Come see this beautiful 3 level home right off Exit 140 on I-81 & Roanoke College Hwy 311 off Thompson Memorial Blvd in Salem. Antique Tables, Antique Dresser/Mirror, Antique Glass Cabinet, Antique Wash Basin Dresser, Antique wooden chest, Antique Night stands, Antique Chairs, Antique Dining Room Table, Antique Rockers, Antique Porcelain Dolls, Antique glassware, BLENKO, Spode, Milkglass, Hobnail, Antique Stoneware Crocks (15, 2, 2, & 1 Gallon), Brown/Tan Salt Glazed Whiskey handled jug. Antique American Eagle Milk Can, Salt glazed pitcher, Cast Iron, Iron Wrought outdoor furniture, Antique Couch, Antique 2 Handled Scythe, Refrigerator, Console TV, Radio System & Cabinet,...

Carroll's Collectibles & Antiques, Llc.

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