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Oct 20
12pm to 5pm
Insanely gorgeous Georgian gilt Candleabra set, with faces of Pan and the King. Must see in person to appreciate.

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We accept Cash, Credit Cards and Venmo. Tax charged except for resellers with proper paperwork. **Bring Help and hand cart/ with wheels and shipping blankets to Load Large Items, ** Not Responsible for Accidents, Falls, Injuries, broken items, etc. North Seattle/Shoreline
 Description & Details

Great ❤️ October sale to make you scream with delight! ☆Sterling is now by appointment only☆ phone us for information. Wreaths for the holidays Lots of Amazing Antiques from this multi-family estate sale! hi-end and designer pieces at drastically reduced prices, plus bric-a-brac starting at $2 dollars and up! FUN for the entire family and be sure to check out our FREE area, something for everyone so you won't leave empty handed! MCM teak desk in exceptional condition, Dog Oil painting, African Art, Baseball cards, Large Asian room divider, Antique Dolls, Stickley Sofa, vintage toys, Womens Gowns in all sizes,...

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