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Antique Furniture, Trucks, Signed Prints and Sporting

online only auction10 day sale sale is over
  • Location Ellsworth, WI 54011

Sale Starts

Jan 14

Sale Ends

Jan 23

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 Terms & Conditions
Monday- Friday from 9am-5pm

Friday, January 24h from 10am-5pm

 Description & Details

ANTIQUE FURNITURE, TRUCKS, SIGNED PRINTS & SPORTING ONLY AUCTION Located at The Hines Online Facility – 107 County Rd C Ellsworth, WI 54011 STARTS ENDING THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd @ 6:30PM OPEN HOUSES: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm SALE INCLUDES : 2009 Ford F150 4x4 truck• 2005 Ford F150 4x4 truck• antique oak curved glass curio• table lamps• oak secretary cabinet• art glass• antique oak buffet• Early American pressed glass• depression glass• dining set• antique waterfall bedroom set• table linens• Griswold #8 waffle iron• cast iron pans• mantle clocks• antique wood rolling pins• ice tongs• Roseville stoneware bowls• BB guns• signed prints inc Rick...

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