Antiques to Modern

estate sale2 day sale 7 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Milwaukee, WI 53207 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, November 14th, 2024.
Nov 15
10am to 4pm
Nov 16
10am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
-Bring help for large items, we can NOT help.
- Arrangements can be made to pick up large items.
-Cash or Venmo only
-Sign up sheet......Our sheet out at 9 AM.
Your pre-sign in sheet will be added to ours at 9
AM. Must be legible
 Description & Details

Dates: Fri. Nov 1, 10-4, Sat. Nov 2, 10-4 Sun. Nov 3, 10-1 House filled! - Eastlake Bedroom sets, side tables, and dry sinks - Oak dining tables, press back chairs - Executive desk, barrister bookcase, mid-century credenza, amoirs, vintage Asian desk, occasional tables, bookcases - Vintage neon advertising sign - Atari consoles, games, accessories - Electronics galore, speakers, tv's, reel-reel, turntable, receivers, cassette, vhs, DVD, etc - snowblower, lawnmower, power washer, shop vac - Holiday decorations, vintage ornaments - Exercise equipment....treadmill, inversion table (teeter), Nordic trak, etc - Wheelchair, assit devices - packed kitchen.....many small appliances - Vintage games,...

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