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Black Friday deals at Chanos warehouse Friday-sunday

moved offsite to warehouse3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Milwaukee, WI 53207 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 29
9am to 4pm
Nov 30
10am to 4pm
Dec 1
10am to 4pm

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Cash, credit cards, checks ,venmo. There is a 5% service charge from the Square. Prices are not given out prior to the sale.
Chano's Warehouse & Estate Sales is not responsible for accidents that occur on the property. All sales are final and it is your responsibility to ensure items are in working/proper order prior to purchasing. Bring help to load heavy items. Prices are not given out before the sale dates.
 Description & Details

We are open every weekend, but this weekend starts on Black Friday..

Start at 9am-4pm ,all our Christmas decorations are set up on the floor.Come and take advantage of our 25% off your entire purchase.. 

All weekend long , that includes the entire warehouse.. 

Theirs a vendor section of vintage toys that will have 10% off as well.. 

We will have coffee and treats for you on Friday start of early at 9am..



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