1111 Jewelry Store, LLC
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763
We are an estate jewelry store company that specializes in fine and vintage
jewelry liquidation services. We want to help you through the confusing and complicated
process of deciding what to do with the jewelry portion of yours or a loved
one’s estate. With our combined 15+ years in the jewelry business, we will take
you step by step, beginning to end, with professional and careful precision.
From evaluation to liquidation and every decision along the way, you can trust
1111 Jewelry Store to help you get the most value for your estate jewelry
collection. Call for a free consultation today. (256) 801-1111
This sale description was copied from EstateSales.NET on 10/3/2024 (34-143-4:48:28 PM). Please check there for accurate up-to-date information (80-98).
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