Anderson Family Estate Sales & Services, LLC

El Mirage, AZ 85335
Company Memberships
Message Company

Anderson Family Estate Sales & Services, LLC (“AFESS”) is a family owned and operated business. We started our business in 2022. Keith Anderson has worked in the estate sale industry for six years for a reputable estate sale company. With his years of experience, he has gained the tools and relationships needed. Stephanie Anderson has worked in the legal field as a paralegal for 16 years. Ten years in bankruptcy and six years in probate. Stephanie’s knowledge of the probate area has allowed her to gain compassion for those going through difficult times, such as losing a loved one or relocating a loved one. Together Keith and Stephanie decided that creating an estate sale company would allow them to help others with the overwhelming task of clearing out a property and at the same time, teach their children the importance of leadership, exceptional customer relationships, accountability, and exceptional management. All things are possible if you put your mind to it. Our three children will be seen at the job site to help set up and help with sale days. AFESS is registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission as a registered LLC and we are proud to say that we do carry insurance.

Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 314.

Our Sales

Dec 4, 5
8am to 2pm (Wed)


Listed by Anderson Family Estate Sales & Services, LLC Last modified 1 Day ago. 305 Pictures Total.

Sun City, AZ 85351
12/4 8am to 2pm (Wed)
12/5 8am to 2pm (Thu)
Sun City, AZ 85351
Dec 6, 7
8am to 2pm (Fri)


Listed by Anderson Family Estate Sales & Services, LLC Last modified 1 Day ago. 59 Pictures Total.

Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
12/6 8am to 2pm (Fri)
12/7 8am to 2pm (Sat)
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Dec 13, 14
8am to 2pm (Fri)


Listed by Anderson Family Estate Sales & Services, LLC Last modified 6 Days ago. 1 Picture Total.

Sedona, AZ 86336
12/13 8am to 2pm (Fri)
12/14 8am to 2pm (Sat)
Sedona, AZ 86336

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