Mid-Town Auctions, LLC
Eastman, GA 31023
Mid-Town Auctions, LLC specializes in the auction of antiques, collectibles, and primitive items. However, Mid-Town Auctions, LLC will be glad to conduct any type of auction (big equipment, estate, or liquidation) whether it is at our auction facility at 5112 4th Avenue Eastman, Ga or on location at your place of business or residence. In addition, we offer estate sale services with our subsidiary company Mid-Town Estate Sales. Contact us at midtownauctions@gmail.com or give us a call at 478-228-2200. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 314.
Our Sales
Dec 7, 8
8am to 3pm (Sat)
Going on now!
Listed by
Mid-Town Auctions, LLC
Last modified 2 Days ago. 82 Pictures Total.
238 Wilson Woodard Road (Gresston)
Eastman, GA 31023
12/7 8am to 3pm (Sat)
12/8 1pm to 3pm (Sun)
238 Wilson Woodard Road (Gresston)
GA 31023
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