Lili's Estates
Walker, LA 70785
Lili’s is a local, experienced estate sale company. We serve clients in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas, including Denham Springs, Prairieville, Central, and Zachary.
We offer a variety of solutions to our clients including traditional estate sales, estate buyouts, and consignments.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 39.
Our Sales
Dec 5, 6, 7, 8
4pm to 8pm (Thu)
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Lili's Estates
Last modified 15 Hours ago. 184 Pictures Total.
Locally Featured!
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
12/5 4pm to 8pm (Thu)
12/6 9am to 5pm (Fri)
12/7 9am to 5pm (Sat)
12/8 9am to 5pm (Sun)
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