Luther Auctions

North Saint Paul, MN 55109
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Luther Auctions is a full service family-owned and operated auction company with over 30 years of antique and estate experience. We handle quality consignments varying from individual items to full estates. Our specialty is fine antiques, original artworks, vintage collectibles and fine jewelry. Our friendly staff is the most knowledgeable in the business. Located North St. Paul, we are Minnesota’s largest weekly live auction house. Our success is a result of continuously providing quality merchandise to our dedicated bidder base which includes dealers and collectors from across the country.

Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 39.

Our Sales

Nov 26 thru Dec 2
8am (Tue)

Estates & Vintage Goods: Online Auction

Listed by Luther Auctions Last modified 6 Days ago. 378 Pictures Total.

North Saint Paul, MN 55109
Nov 26 thru Dec 2
8am (Tue)
North Saint Paul, MN 55109

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