J&K Estate Sales
(serving our clients and customers since 2021)
Please come see us on Day 1. Feels like 144 great items.
Organization: We will organize, arrange and display all items to be sold. If, during that process, we encounter items that appear to be of especially sentimental value, or we encounter especially valuable items you have not told us about,we will consult with you. We use available tables, shelves, and similar areas for display purposes and we will provide additional tables and display cases, as necessary. To a limited extent, we will also clean the area where the sale is to be conducted.
Pricing: We will appraise all items to be sold and will mark prices on them using price stickers, tags or signs that we will provide. If we believe there are items of value that are not within our area of expertise, we may choose to engage an outside appraiser having the necessary expertise, at our expense. We welcome your input regarding the value of specific items. However, given our experience in this area, we reserve the right to make all final pricing.
Advertising: J&K Estate Sales advertises with estatesales.net, estatesale.com and jkestatesales.com We also offer advertising with signs, as well as through local publications depending on sale location.
Conduct of Sale: We will conduct the sale in a professional and efficient manner. To assist with the sale, we will hire as many individuals as we believe are necessary from a pool of honest, experienced and reliable individuals that we use for that purpose.
Unless you instruct us otherwise, we will conduct the sale with two objectives: 1.) To sell every available item; 2.) maximize the proceeds from the sale.
During the course of the sale, we may negotiate prices with the customers and accept bids as we consider appropriate in order to achieve the two objectives stated above. However, you may establish minimum prices for a small number of items if desired. Please provide us with a list two weeks before the estate sale begins of the minimums established for those items.
We will negotiate on your behalf during the sale. Discounts off the tagged prices will be made where appropriate based on the amount the customer is buying, the condition of the item(s), or as the sale progresses. The final day of sale is 50%off.