Vision & Vasari LLC
Columbus, OH 43212
Vision Antiques & Estate Sales is part of the Vision & Vasari family of services. We have decades of experience offering full-service, estate liquidations and high-end tag sales, as well as a variety of fine consignment options.
This sale description was copied from EstateSales.NET on 10/5/2024 (34-143-11:48:58 AM). Please check there for accurate up-to-date information (80-98).
Our Sales
Oct 4, 5, 6
10am to 3pm (Sat)
Resuming today
Listed by
Vision & Vasari LLC
Last modified 4 Days ago. 87 Pictures Total.
574 Franklin Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
10/4 10am to 3pm (Fri)
10/5 10am to 3pm (Sat)
10/6 11am to 3pm (Sun)
574 Franklin Ave.
OH 43215
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