Area Wide Estate Sales

Milan, TN 38358
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We help you with our full service Estate Sales, Moving Sales or Tag Sale service. First step in the process is a complimentary onsite consultation to discuss your goals and the best options for your home or estate.

Our two day estate/tag sale involves planning and thorough attention to detail.

Services provided:

1. Consulting with homeowners, family, realtor or executors prior to the sale

2. Researching and setting prices

3. Sorting and organizing merchandise

4. Pricing sales items

5. Displaying merchandise attractively

6. Photographing and Advertising the sale

7. Conducting the sale

Our Sales

Oct 12, 13
12pm to 4pm (Sun) Going on now!


Listed by Area Wide Estate Sales Last modified 1 Day ago. 225 Pictures Total.

127 Country Ln
Brownsville, TN 38012
10/12 9am to 4pm (Sat)
10/13 12pm to 4pm (Sun)
127 Country Ln
Brownsville, TN 38012
Oct 19, 20
9am to 4pm (Sat)

Charles Cunningham Estate Sale

Listed by Area Wide Estate Sales Last modified 2 Days ago. 174 Pictures Total.

Camden, TN 38320
10/19 9am to 4pm (Sat)
10/20 12pm to 4pm (Sun)
Camden, TN 38320

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