Bridges Estate Sale

New Braunfels, TX 78130
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Our Best Service. Every Time.

Whether it’s moving from your family home, moving to a smaller home, or just some much needed cleaning out of unwanted items. Bridges Estate Sale is here for you and your loved ones whatever the transition. We will come to your home to take pictures of your items when you are available and all the selling of the items is done online so no hassle for you. No dealing with people walking through your home or property for an estate sale. Our trustworthy team will also take care of the pick up for purchased items. All transitions are unique and require professionalism, care, and attention. We look forward to assisting you and your family during this time.

Our Sales

Nov 30 thru Dec 14
12am (Sat)

American Fine Art

Listed by Bridges Estate Sale Last modified 5 Days ago. 32 Pictures Total.

New Braunfels, TX 78130
Nov 30 thru Dec 14
12am (Sat)
New Braunfels, TX 78130

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