Heritage Estate Sales

Pasadena, TX 77505
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Heritage Estate Sales is BBB Accredited and has been serving the Pasadena, Deer Park, Clear Lake, Friendswood, and surrounding areas for over 7 years.  Our goal is provide the best experience for both our clients and shoppers.  We strive to provide good, clear pictures for online viewers and shoppers, and offer clean, organized shopping experiences for in-person estate sales.

We do not have a website today, but you can find more information on our Facebook page - Heritage Estate Sales and More.  

If you would like more information regarding estate sale services or upcoming events, please contact Gina at gstinson281@gmail.com.

Our Sales

Dec 6, 7, 8
8am to 12pm (Sat) Resumes tomorrow

30% off all items Lovely League City

Listed by Heritage Estate Sales Last modified 8 Hours ago. 80 Pictures Total.

2707 La Spezia Lane
League City, TX 77573
12/6 9am to 12pm (Fri)
12/7 8am to 12pm (Sat)
12/8 12pm to 3pm (Sun)
2707 La Spezia Lane
League City, TX 77573

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