Initial Consultation
Every potential sale begins with a consultation, preferably in person at the property. If you aren’t local, no worries, we will work with your Realtor, Trust Officer or however makes you most comfortable. Once we have previewed the property, we will discuss your objectives and go over our services and fees to determine whether we are a good fit for the job. If so, we will prepare a contract for your signature with everything spelled out, including anything unique to your sale. Our aim is to accommodate your desires and objectives as best we can. Our livelihood depends on your satisfaction. We never forget that.
Marketing and Promotion
Please come see us on Day 1. Feels like 118 great items.
Once we determine the best available dates (typically a Thursday, Friday and Saturday) to host your sale, we will immediately begin the process of marketing the event. We will take and post pictures of unique items, collectables and valuable items across various social media platforms to pique interest and generate traffic. We will promote your sale with our loyal customer base and contacts. We will determine the fair market value for all your possessions and use our knowledge of historical value, current market trends and our network of experts to help ensure that we price, market and sell the items at the highest possible price. Our multi-faceted marketing approach means we reach a varied cross section of shoppers and enthusiasts. Our customer target audience for your sale will include collectors, dealers, savvy shoppers, new homeowners and estate sale aficionados. We work hard to find buyers in every possible niche and we meet new buyers at each and every sale.
Expert Staging
One of the most important aspects of any estate sale is “staging” the home. How items are presented and displayed, how traffic is gently influenced through the rooms, having every item tagged and priced, it all matters. It can make the difference between having a glorified garage sale or an elevated retail experience. We understand the intricacies of presentation and staging and know how to create an engaging environment regardless of whether a home is big or small, old or new, in town or in the country. Staging makes all the difference at an estate sale, and we are really good at it.
Professionally Conducted Sale
After many days of hard work and preparation, we are ready for the fun part! Our team shows up bright eyed and ready to go on each day of your sale. We are everywhere, in brightly colored staff shirts, greeting customers, answering questions, directing traffic and assisting in any way we can to make the sale an enjoyable experience for everyone. We are committed to only conducting one sale at a time because we know from experience that having our entire team assist at a sale increases revenue, prevents theft and ensures the best outcomes and the highest possible revenue for you. When we lock the door at the end of a sale the home will be completely empty and broom clean. We will issue proceeds as well as final paperwork to you within three to five business days.