Estate Pickers Sales & Services
Roy, UT 84067
Estate Pickers Sales & Services is a new company built to cater to an estate that is packed full of personal property that needs to be sold as quickly as possible.
We are great for family members who are left “to clean up the mess” but don’t know where to begin. Emptying farms, garages, workshops, and homes filled with STUFF is what we do.
How it works: We will hold a 2-3 day sale in which no items will be inventoried or tagged. Attendees can go\dig through the home to find items for purchase. The intent is to sell the personal property and clear the home in as little as 1 week from start to finish. We’re keeping it simple! Upon completion of the sale, clean-out options are available.
We have over 40 years experience in the resale business , specializing in the sale of cars, motorcycles, antiques, tools, hunting, fishing and sporting goods. We are confident we will provide excellent customer service and love working with realtors to help get the estate on the market as soon as possible.
*Estate Pickers Sales & Services is Veteran owned and operated.
It'll be sunny (we hope)! Temp 314.
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