Four Sales Ltd
Alexandria, VA 22307
Four Sales, Ltd., founded in 1972, is the largest professional (and most innovative) estate sales company in the Washington metropolitan area. During the past 51 years, Fours Sales has conducted and presented over 6,000 estate sales in the area. These sales have included historic homes in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Additionally, wherever the services of the company were exclusively requested, estate sales have also been presented in other states such as New York, Pennsylvania and Florida.
Can't wait to see you at our sale. Setup was 314.
Our Sales
Dec 13, 14, 15
9am to 3pm (Fri)
Listed by
Four Sales Ltd
Last modified 1 Month ago. 60 Pictures Total.
Alexandria, VA 22309
12/13 9am to 3pm (Fri)
12/14 9am to 3pm (Sat)
12/15 9am to 1pm (Sun)
Listed by
Four Sales Ltd
Last modified 1 Month ago. 1 Picture Total.
2858 North Seminole Trail
Madison, VA 22727
2858 North Seminole Trail
VA 22727
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