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50% off! LAST DAY! BIRMINGHAM ESTATE SALES is in CHELSEA for 2 days! Join us!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Chelsea, AL 35043 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 1
10am to 3pm
Feb 2
10am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

**Make sure you follow us on our website so that we don't miss you at a sale! We're also on YouTube, FB, Instagram and twitter! ** Join us for a 2 day sale in Chelsea? Know an Auburn fan? We've got you covered! Friday Saturday 10-3pm each day 162 Ashton Woods Drive Chelsea, AL 35043 **Jan and Jim are hosting! ____________________________________________________ Please READ BELOW: ** ALL SALES ARE FINAL!*** It’s up to YOU to plug something in, try it out, etc. This is not kindergarten friends. (Although I really did love kindergarten. Just sayin’) NO PRE-SALES over the PHONE unless...

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