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Estate Sale of Johnny and Connie Floyd

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Gadsden, AL 35901 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 1
10am to 5pm
Jun 2
9am to 4pm
Jun 3
9am to 3pm
Jun 4
1pm to 4pm

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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
 Description & Details

The Floyd’s were dear friends and their home is full of beautiful things that they cherished……stunning cut glass, China galore, crystal stems, Waterford, Coalport (Ming Rose, strawberry), Wedgewood, great flatware, silver plate, Christmas Spode China, beautiful original artwork, framed Goodyear pictures, rattan breakfast table, antique dining room suite, Mid Century dining room suite, MCM night stands and chests, great night stands and dresser by Fine Furniture, king adjustable Serta bed purchased 9/22, custom made sofas, leather sectional, club chairs, curio cabinets, three matching silver curios, glass top dining table, handmade rugs, huge collection of great books, designer clothing, handbags, linens,...

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