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Caring Transitions Estate Sale - Sherwood

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sherwood, AR 72120 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 1
9am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We gladly accept cash, credit and debit cards. All sales are final. Caring Transitions offers no guarantees or refunds once the buyer leaves the premise. Please bring help and supplies for packing, loading and transporting your newly purchased item(s). Not responsible for accidents.
 Description & Details

If you like vintage then you will love this sale with some great vintage, retro, and Mid Century Modern items. Dining table and matching china cabinet, King bedroom set, Brass finish twin bed, Singer cabinet sewing machine, locking gun cabinet, dorm size fridge, 4 oak dining chairs, Whirlpool washer & dryer, Mikasa Capistrano dishes, Corningware Spice of Life casserole dishes, original oil paintings, Dept 56 Villages, Snow Babies, Scheurich vase, Amelia Earhart and Samsonite luggage pieces, Kirby vacuum, Polaroid cameras, smoking pipes, bar ware, yard tools, and more.

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