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Kathy's Estate Sales - Central & Camelback

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Phoenix, AZ 85013 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 29
8am to 3pm
Aug 30
8am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

This is a wonderful sale with the sort of vintage and antiques you would expect to find in this wonderful old Central Phoenix neighborhood! Gorgeous furniture, glassware, vintage linens, vintage and name-brand clothing, purses, lots of art supplies. All sorts of goodies!!! And many paintings by juried artist Doris Wilkinson. Lots of tastefully done nudes! This sale includes, but is not limited to: FURNITURE: Incredible Antique Burled Walnut 6-Drawer Dresser with Rounded Accents Beautiful Antique Burled Walnut Dresser with Mirror - Wow! Fruit Pulls, key included, so gorgeous!!! Antique 4-Poster Spindled Acorn Top Full Bed & Mattress - Rich Mahogany...

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