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It's a Zoe TeBeau Estate Sale in Belmont Shores

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Belmont Shore, CA 90803 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 15
8am to 2pm
Feb 16
9am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
*View in the landscape position if on your cell phone
*All Sales Final. All Items are in working order where applicable.
*Terms are cash
*No holding of items we are strictly first come/first served
*No moving or loading assistance. Please bring your own help.
*No Shipping or UPS pickup assistance due to limitations of time.
*No public restrooms
*Please bring boxes and packing material when purchasing a lot of breakables.
 Description & Details

Suggestion: Hold in the landscape position if viewing on your cell phone for larger pictures and opens all the collapsed sections for details. Lovely high-end brand furnishings and decor such as Baker Mfg, Maitland-Smith, Century, Frederick Cooper lighting and beautiful decor. Herend porcelain collection of birds and rabbits, Native American vintage pottery representing Navajo, Santa Clara, Zuni and Acoma potters. The home is loaded and I'm using pictures to show you around. 1991 Infiniti M 30 convertible 87,000 miles. Official Sign in-sheet will be on front porch by 7:00 am Saturday morning. Please no place holders such as chairs and...

Zoe TeBeau Estate Sales and Appraisals

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