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True Legacy Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Encinitas, CA 92024 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 15
8am to 2pm
Jan 16
8am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

Good news for those who missed out on this great sale, we are opening up an extra weekend; and many of the main treasures are still up for grabs! Everything will be discounted all weekend! It doesn’t get any better than that; be sure to mark this one in your calendar. Still available: 1937 Ford Tudor Slant Hot Rod, a full-size Brunswick pool table, a huge lot of rugged hand and power tools, welding machines and accessories, auto parts, building materials, boxed cooktop, microwave/convection oven, sink top, and Hampton Bay lights and fans. Other items: New in the box! Frigidaire...

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