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Tree House in Laguna Hills FILLED with treasures Asian Antiques Oriental World travel

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Laguna Hills, CA 92653 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 17
9am to 3pm
Sep 18
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

This sweet little house located in the trees of Laguna Hills is PACKED with cool treasures. We will add more info as we unpack abs set up PLEASE USE GOOGLE MAPS NOT APPLE MAPS FOR LOCATION Laguna Hills ◦ Asian/ Oriental Pots ◦ Antique Oriental Plates ◦ Oriental figures ◦ Cloisonné vases ◦ Cloisonné boxes ◦ Oriental lamps ◦ Rosewood and lacquer stands ◦ Kimono robes ◦ Waterford Crystal ◦ Lalique ◦ Jadeite/ jade carvings ◦ Oriental snuff bottles ◦ Carved wood boxes ◦ RV ◦ Chevy Mini Van ◦ Art ◦ Art prints ◦ Plants ◦ Burrell wood lamps...

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