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"Once Upon A Time" MASSIVE Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Lincoln, CA 95648 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 23
9am to 4pm
Jun 24
9am to 1pm

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Home has surveillance cameras and client is still in the home.
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 Description & Details

Massive Estate Sale June 23rd & 24th Sun City Lincolns Hills. Home of retired Antique Dealer from the Bay Area. We are honored to find new homes for the 1000s of collectibles. Below is just a partial list of the items you will find in this spectacular home. You can add your name to a sign up sheet on front window prior to 9 am Friday morning. Please do not disturb my clients. Vintage & Antique Clothing Vintage Hats Vintage Designer Hat Boxes Vintage Mannequin's (Women & Children) Antique German Dolls Black Americana Dolls Antique Bears Collectible Bears 1925 Horseman...

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