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Fun Modern Holiday Oakland Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Oakland, CA 94610 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 29
10am to 4pm
Nov 30
10am to 4pm
Dec 1
10am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

Greetings! We are having another fun sale for the estate of a thoroughly modern, athletic and artistic woman in a nice Oakland Neighborhood (my apologies, for a few hours, this ad said Richmond). It is Oakland!! Lots of collectibles for gifts and creative stocking stuffers. Opening on Black Friday, Support your local Small Business Saturday and Sunday as well! 😍 Modern Style and taste: Mid Century Modern McCobb Dresser/Sideboard, Plycraft Chair, Caged Leather Chair “as is,” glass chrome coffee table, dining chairs, chalk table, lamps, enamel bowls, art, abstract wood sculpture— Dean Logan?, and Midge! Athletics/Sports : Georgena Terry Despatch...

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