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Grasons Co of Coachella Valley, Pam Springs 70% OFF SATURDAY Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Palm Springs, CA 92262 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 31
8am to 12pm
Apr 1
8am to 12:30pm

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All sales are final, no returns. All items sold as is and with no guarantees or warranties. Seller a...
 Description & Details

SATURDAY 4/1- 70% OFF EVERYTHING EXCEPT JEWELRY, STILL ALOT OF ITEMS REMAIN, EVERYTHING MUST GO... NO PRICES CANT BE QUOTED BEFORE THE SALE . We work on multiple homes at the same time with 100s of items in them. It is impossible to remember prices correctly. WE DO NOT PRE-SELL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED. COVID 19 - Masks are optional but, if you feel ill, please stay home. WE WILL STILL PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING SO PLEASE BE PATIENT AS WE WILL LIMIT THE NUMBER OF SHOPPERS IN THE HOME. The sign in sheet will be posted between 7:00 am-8:00 am on...

Grasons Co. of Coachella Valley

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