Rancho Cucamonga "Mom & Dad's Treasures" Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 12 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024.
Sep 19
10am to 4pm
Sep 20
10am to 3pm
Sep 21
8:30am to 2pm

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We except cash, debit/credit cards only no checks accepted. Please do not block driveways and be res...
 Description & Details

Come out and join us for a house FULL of Mom and Dad's treasures. This house has one of everything. Here are a few of the items we will be featuring in the sale. Tools of all types, saws, electrical garden tools, drills, power tools, ladders, shop vac, hand tools, shovels, hoes and gardening supplies, glassware, cameras and supplies for cameras, camera bags, books galore !!, book shelves of all sizes, artwork, DVD's and CD's, stereo equipment, speakers, TV's, recording machines, tables, lamps, kitchen table and chairs, antique chairs, sewing machines, buffet, sewing machine stands, small refrigerator, mirrors, rugs, dressers...

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