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Sprawling Ranch House in Upland-one day bargain fest!!

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Upland, CA 91784 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 19
9am to 3pm
Large Mettlach Stein

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We take cash and check upon approval. Also Credit and Debit on larger purchases! We charge tax unless you have a valid California resale certificate. (State law) We help load some larger items! You will find us friendly, fun, and helpful!
 Description & Details

Hello everybody....after a few weeks off we are back with another of our terrific one day-everything must go sales!! We have beautiful 1960's Ranch style home in Upland. Beautiful stuff throughout-nice furniture at terrific prices, tons of accent pieces, small items, garage full of tools and odds and ends you guys all love. And remember, we are friendly and helpful-we want to sell it all! Take a look at photos for an idea of what we have; here is a partial list! Beautiful Lane mid century bedroom set-dresser and mirror, high boy, and bed headboard-similar midcentury high boy as well....

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