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Aurora Vehicles, Fender guitar, Lionel/GTrains, Crafts Vtg Toys & so much more Blue Moon Estate Sale

by appointment2 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Aurora, CO 80013 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Nov 1
9am to 4pm
Nov 2
10am to 2pm
Appointment Only Sale - Go to website to book your time slot or click link moon white background

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 Description & Details

This retirement home has some pretty cool stuff. Due to HOA requirements, we must have an appoimtment based system and will allow 5 vehicles every 30 minutes. The link to sign up for your time slot: We have a 2014 Honda Accord, 17,198 miles, minor scratches. 2002 Toyota SOLD -Tacoma Truck There are lots of collectibles. Old Trains and supplies, Lionel/Gilbert American Flyer and Circus train set. Lots of Vintage toys, Huge collection of Craft Stamps and supplies, Beautiful orange Fender guitar, Amp and a Yamaha Accoutic, Electronics, TVs, Several vaccums, Camerea, Luggage, Clothing, Blue Fenton collection, Art and...

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