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50% OFF And more! Make offers! -Art, Furniture, Antiques, Designer Estate Sale - PACKED

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cos Cob, CT 06807 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 11
11am to 5pm
Lillian August Couture mohair sofa  75" long x 41"

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 Description & Details

Its 2:40pm and we are WHEELIN' AND DEALIN! come make us an offer in some beautiful furniture, art, mirrors, media, kitchen, etc. This sale covers several generations who have traveled the world, shopped the world, read a lot of good books, and entertained with style. Interesting heirlooms, antiques, vintage rugs, original art, and designer interiors. There's a great selection of women's designer clothing and accessories. Cool estate and modern jewlelry. Loads and loads of fun kids stuff too! Washington Diplomatic family heirlooms are just part of this packed house. The family is downsizing and the beautiful furniture, rugs and home...

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