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West Boca Musician's Major Downsize Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Boca Raton, FL 33428 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 7
10am to 2pm
Sep 8
9am to 3pm
Sep 9
10am to 3pm

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All sales final, where is, as is. CASH ONLY! You break, you buy! Estate Sales of South Florida is no...
 Description & Details

Empty Nesters Musician and Banana Republic Manager Major Downsize Sale Finally, with all the kids out of the house, it is time to move into smaller living quarters and this couple has SO MUCH they want to part with including: LOADS AND LOADS of beautiful Banana Republic Clothing and accessories, Original Paintings by Sedona Artist Andrea Smith, Baby Grand Piano - circa 1928 Grotrian-Steinweg - Fully Restored!, LEFT HANDED Gibson Acoustic SJ-200 $2,800 firm, Professional Loudspeakers and Mixing Boards, MACKIE 808S Powered Mixer, Mackie 406M Powered Mixer, Mackie Precision Passive Loudspeakers, Fender 1270 1x10 Compact 10" PA Monitor Wedge Speaker,...

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