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Panther Ridge Estate Sale

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Bradenton, FL 34202 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Apr 25
9:30am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

This sale offers a fine mix of antiques and traditional furnishings: English Antique Walnut Console Table Straube Player Piano with over 200 Music Rolls! Mission Rocking Chair w/ Drawer English Antique Parlor Set Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Buffet Signed Antique Theorem Gold Gilt Clock Garniture Antique Mahogany Vitrine Fruitwood Love Seat Dressing Table and Chair Beautiful Mahogany Dresser with Mirror Wicker Settee and Chair Victorian Settee Upholstered and Leather Sofas Traditional Entertainment Center Leather Recliners Full/Queen Espresso Bed & Dresser Bookshelves Antique Drink Carts Beautiful Antique Clocks, Lamps & Rugs, Framed Art Majolica, Porcelain, and Hummel Collectibles Baker...

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