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by appointment1 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Coral Gables, FL 33143 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Mar 19
12pm to 3pm

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 Description & Details

AN ESTATE OF MINE BY SUSAN WE ARE CONTINUING THIS SALE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Please call Susan for address & Directions to attend @ 786-205-0979 Many more photos have been added! This is a last minute incredible sale! Homes were sold, & everything has been moved to 3 Large Warehouses to start selling an assortment of amazing furniture, original artwork, & accessories. We will add more photos as we setup this unique sale. We will also display as much as possible for this 1st sale! You will be able to purchase items online, & pay with a credit card. STAY...

An Estate of Mine by Susan,Inc

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