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Full House with some Vintage furniture, collectibles, home decor, silk plants, kitchen & garage stuf

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sarasota, FL 34238 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 31
9am to 3pm
Feb 1
9am to 3pm

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Note: This is a "CASH OR LOCAL CHECKS ONLY" Sale. We collect SALES TAX, dealers must bring a valid copy of their tax certificate to be exempt.
WALLETS ONLY! No Purses, Backpacks, Bulky coats, or Strollers allowed.

All sales are final, inspect your items thoroughly. No returns or exchanges, ''NO MONEY BACK''. PLEASE don't park on the neighbors driveway or lawn, and don't block the mailboxes, THANK YOU... Also, WE are not resposible for accidents.

Numbers at 7am
 Description & Details

Full house with stair lift, some vintage furniture, home decor, silk plants, wall decors/pictures, electronics ( 6 tv’s ), bed sets, tons of kitchen items like pots & pans, small kitchen appliances, China sets, glassware etc. plus miscellaneous garage items. Plus men’s & women’s clothing & accessories etc.... See pictures below for more info.

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