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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Auburn, GA 30011 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 19
10am to 3pm
Aug 20
12pm to 4pm
great assortment of dishes, glasses, kitchen items ~

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Cash and credit cards - -not responsible for accidents - - bring help for loading big items - -the out buildings will be open - -
 Description & Details

This will be the final sale for this amazing estate - -still so much to offer - furniture, linens, china and lots of items still in the barn and storage shed. The owners were collectors for many years - - the family is ready to move ahead and willing to let the remaining items be passed along so others can enjoy them. 1967 Mustang is still available - - has been stored inside for years ~~~a true treasure trove - something for everyone and all of it must go !!!! MUSTANG UPDATE - - $6,500.OO FOR THE MUSTANG AND SPARE...

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