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Duluth Vintage Estate Sale -All prices lowered

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Duluth, GA 30096 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
10am to 5pm
Dec 6
10am to 5pm
Dec 7
10am to 5pm
Eve & Serpent certified with certificate, gorgeous oil in ornate frame.

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 Description & Details

Estate Sale in Duluth, one step up into house. Plenty of parking on property, located in a cul-de-sac.Please pull into driveway or park on lawn. One step up into full house from garage or four steps to front door. There is also a lot in the basement which can be accessed at ground level by walking through the left side of the yard instead of using the stairs inside home. The Following items are available & more uncovered recently: Antique clock furniture by Lenzkirch made in Germany Lots of Vintage ARTWORK, Oil Paintings, Watercolors, Posters, Framed and unframed work, canvas...

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