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50% off Saturday Dunwoody Dream House!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Dunwoody, GA 30338 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 8
10am to 5pm
Aug 9
10am to 5pm
Aug 10
10am to 5pm

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We accept cash and credit/debit cards with a 3% fee. Sorry, no checks. If you are tax exempt, please...
 Description & Details

We have been in this business awhile and have never seen such a fantastic variety of every type of collectible in pristine condition. The family who lives here traveled the world extensively (especially Israel and China) and had very good taste in bringing back fine pieces. -Stunning Art Deco bronze Table lamp with original globe -Lladro -Lenox -Limoges -Mid-Century furniture -Fine Asian collectibles including a jade abacus, huge jade tree, watercolors, paper art, trays, and porcelain -Tarkay lithograph -Fabulous jewelry including: pocket watches, sterling, Masonic ring, men’s 14k double cameo ring with side diamonds, and lots of nice costume pieces...

Southern Charm Estate Sales

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