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moved offsite to warehouse1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Kennesaw, GA 30144 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 9
12am to 6pm

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 Description & Details

Lots of Puzzles for the Puzzlers End tables, coffee tables, dining chairs, arm chairs, rocking chairs, bar stools, chests, cushy or hard seats, love seats, benches, gliders, pation chairs, wicker furnishings, chaise lounge, etc Pillows of every size and pattern - mostly feather and down filled Art gallery set up on property fence as backdrop for easy display Books and Bags Curiosity items and collectibles Home made blueberry and lemon muffins with Sunny-D or Coca-Cola to hit the spot when in need of a sugar high! Let's hope for sun and cool breeze as action is mostly outside! Cheers and...

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