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50% off Sunday! Not your Grandma’s house, young people modern stuff!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Roswell, GA 30075 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 17
10am to 5pm
Sep 18
10am to 5pm
Sep 19
12pm to 5pm
These are both sold.

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 Description & Details

So much cool stuff under one roof!

-Fender electric bass guitar

-Guitar amps

-Skateboard rail

-Halo 3 numbered helmets

-Numerous autographed rock Memoribilia 

-Video games

-Coke memorabilia 

-Slingboard with slingstick

-Full sized Halloween theme mannequin 

-Modern washer and dryer

Much more!!!!

Southern Charm Estate Sales

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