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Tools! Tools! Tools! Unbelievable Shop Packed Full! World’s Steepest Driveway, Shuttle Available.

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Roswell, GA 30075 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 5
10am to 5pm
Feb 6
10am to 5pm

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Please watch your step and be cautious if you choose to walk up the driveway, it is...
 Description & Details

The greatest shop collection we have ever seen in one place! Calling all mechanics, welders, gardeners, and anyone that likes to turn a wrench, we’ve got stuff for you! We always strive to give our shoppers the best experience and we wouldn’t have accepted this sale if we didn’t think it wouldn’t “Wow” you. It is truly worth the trip up the hill. This shop is one for the books. Hope too see you there! We are still organizing and finding treasures. The ad will be updated daily until opening day. -2012 Honda Recon 250 ATV with winch -Makita -DeWalt...

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