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Presenting a Collectors Paradise !!!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Soperton, GA 30457 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 14
8am to 4pm
Oct 15
12pm to 3pm
Large beautiful stain glass arched window

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 Description & Details

The owners of this home have collected extensively for many years and lucky for you, are now ready to downsize. The home is 5000 sf with 5 out buildings plus items under the carport and in the yard! The pictures you will see are a sampling and are in no way everything that will be offered. This is a HUGE sale!! The owners have collected antiques, pottery, Roseville, McCoy, Shawnee, Royal Copely, USA,Brush,Watt, Hall, Hull, Weller, Heager,Bauer, Fenton, Czech glassware, beautiful decanters, barware and vintage bars, depression glass, carnival glass, barber bottles, stain glass windows, RCA floor model radios, oak...

Garner And Credle Estate Liquidators

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