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Midcentury, vintage, mission and modern all in one place!

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Iowa City, IA 52240 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
9am to 5pm
Oct 6
10am to 4pm
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 Description & Details

Midcentury, vintage, mission and modern all in one place! We are located at 1012 S. Gilbert Ct (corner of Kirk wood Ave and Gilbert Ct.) We will always entertain offers. Items WITHOUT a Pink Dot are 1/2 off the marked price. Pink dots are newer items in. We are honored to be given the opportunity to handle part of Randy Larson’s estate. In his estate we have not only dry mounted Hawkeye pictures, some art made by Shari Davis. We have Prime Time League and Game Time League shirts and jerseys with years ranging from 1994 to 2018 some with...

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