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Ted & Shirlie Beach ESTATE TAG SALE

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Champaign, IL 61821 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 11
9am to 4pm
Oct 12
9am to 3pm
Oct 13
10am to 2pm
Living Room

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 Description & Details

This is the home of Ted & Shirlie Beach. Ted played basketball for Champaign High School in the late 1940’s and for the University of Illinois early 1950’s, winning many awards. He was also an avid golfer again winning awards. This sale includes: Antiques, Vintage, Mid-Century & More Furniture & Accessories, Art – painting, stitchery, prints and more, 44 Star US Flag, U of I Memorabilia & Fan Clothing, Vintage and Mid Century Women & Girls Clothing & Accessories including Vintage Fur Coats; Sterling Silver – 2 large sets of flatware and many serving pieces, Vintage Toys and Children’s Books,...

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