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Debra & (The Late) Bill Seager

auction1 day sale sale is over
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Sep 30
2019 Dutchman "Astoria" 5th Wheel Camper, 2953RLF, Ext. Length 33' 4", 3-Slide-Outs, Large Stainless Steel Appliances, 60X80 Residential Queen Bed, Sofa (folds out to bed), 2-Recliners,Oversized Pass Through Storage, (Very Nice)

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 Description & Details

Bill was a contractor for many years, building and remodeling homes in the area. The item on this auction are in good condition and have lots of use left in them. 2019 Dutchman "Astoria" 5th Wheel Camper, 2953RLF, Length 33' 4", w/3-slide-outs, 2012 Polaris RZR EFI 900, (very good condition), Honda EU7000is Inverter Generator (like new), Power & Hand Tools, Miscellaneous. 

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