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SUNDAY 50% OFF!! Antiques to MCM Something for Everyone! Unique Finds!

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Lawrence, KS 66049 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 25
1pm to 5pm
Aug 26
10am to 4pm
Aug 27
10am to 4pm
Aug 28
11am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Save the Date, this is a fun one! NO PARKING on the East Side of the Street!!! Antique Furniture, Mid Century Furniture by Baumritter & Accessories, Antique Cut Glass, Luster Ware, Antique Stemware, Majolica, Graniteware, Carnival Glass, Vintage Kitsch, Pottery, Wall Decor, Occasional Tables, Dressers, Shelving, Mission Side Board, Mission Rocker, Oak Washstand, Shelving, Decanter Collection, Owl Collection, Blown Glass, Costume Jewelry, Vintage Clothing, Packed Kitchen w/Vintage & Primitives, Pyrex, Pots/Pans, 40’s Maytag Gas Range, Baseball Cards, Fishing, Bedding, Linens, Vintage Electronics, Sentry Floor Safe w/combo, Lighting, Old Quilts, Marbles, Flow Blue, Fender Squier Mini Electric Guitar, LP’s & 45’s,...

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