Overland Park Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale starts today
  • Address The address for this sale in Overland Park, KS 66213 will be available after 5:00am on Friday, October 11th, 2024. The approximate location is: 127th Street and Nieman
Oct 11
9am to 5pm
Oct 12
9am to 4pm
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We accept cash and credit card. All credit card sales must be at least $15 or more. PLEASE BRING ...
 Description & Details

A good sale with lots of gems in it. The items in this house were well taken care of and are in very good condition. We will only accept bids for the 2009 Cadilac Escalade on Friday, October 11th. The vehicle will go to the highest bidder at 5pm. Starting bid is $13,000. It is in very good condition with only about 81,000 miles and it has been maintained by the owner since he purchased it new. We will have a staff member available for test drives during the day. Other items include in the master bedroom, king size bed,...

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